Its been another while since my last post, but I’d like to elaborate a little bit on what was motivating that post and what happened immediately after that post…
In early 2017, my time at the National Restaurant Association came to end when I was asked to move to Chicago, which I declined to do. It was the end of an era and over five years there as a developer and manager. I worked with some great folks there and have missed them in the time since!
But, this was a perfect chance for a new adventure, and boy, did one find me! In what cannot be considered happenstance, I met John Wise, CEO of a startup named Loci. This guy told me a story about how he wanted to build technology that could do some pretty amazing things (more on that later… maybe) and would really make a difference in the world. Oh and he couldn’t pay me, but he didn’t need me full time either, so I got to be a stay-at-home dad to my two precious daughters and help get this startup off the ground. He needed someone who could help him manage his developers and get the product out the door, which was a perfect fit for me!
And so now, a year and a half into this new adventure, I have so much to report. One day it will be a book, I think…
Anyway, here’s what I wanted to focus on in this adventure. First, I got a chance to work with a pre-revenue start-up and experience the challenges and thrills of being on a small and nimble team. I also got a chance to work in a new business area, specifically patent research and the IP landscape. I then got a direct view into the cryptocurrency world by being a part of pulling off a successful ICO for funding our company expanding our ecosystem. Finally, I got promoted to essentially running the entire company as Chief Operations Officer, under John’s leadership and direction, which has been the most fun adventure of all!
I’ll expand these thoughts and experience in time, and really dig into some aspects of them. But to put a bow on this though, my time ended at the NRA with me really thinking through what I believe is important as a manager which equipped me for this adventure in a way that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I will continue my quest to grow better and use technology to make a difference!
Up next, some thoughts on blockchain technology…